
  • Add article title to Read More links

    the competition for SERP's (Search Engine Ranking Positions) is fierce. The slightest advantage you can gain can make the difference. Good navigation is key here - and part of this is to give some extra info to your visitors of what they will see if they clicking on a given link. Adding the article title to your Read More links is a way to make this happen.

  • Auto publish new content in frontpage

    If you run a Joomla site where you want the new content items by default to be published on the frontpage, you're out of luck, this is something Joomla don't let you set in some config file. In the normal Joomla work-flow the Publisher (or someone ranked higher) will decide/need to decide if and when put a given content item in the frontpage. You may need this (or you're bored already needing to go back again and again in editing mode just to click on that select box...).

  • Can I just paste content from Word?

    The most likely complaint you can get after launching a Joomla site is, that the owner calls you or mails you, saying, that the page is looking weird after he added his first content item. Blindly you can bet, that he (sometimes despite your warnings) just copy/pasted that content from a Word document, another web-page or some other word processor. The order above isn't an arbitrary one, BTW! What you can do? Humm, you can clean his content item, but you must make them understand, why isn't a good idea to do this, and you must provide them with an alternative: an easy way to paste from Word without damaging (badly) the site.

  • Category Meta Data

    One of most annoying limitation SEO wise in the Joomla versions prior to Joomla 1.6 was the inability to set directly (without use of some SEO component or a core hack) meta data information for categories. This was important especially on category blog or category list type of pages, where you have left without proper way to control the meta data added to these pages.

  • Content

    Technically, content is every piece of text and media that is distributed/displayed via your site, whether that be in the component, module, mambot/plugin, or template. In Joomla, when someone says content, they are probably referring to the core content component and the content items that are entered into that component and displayed on your site.

  • Content Templates

  • Convert Microsoft Word documents to clean HTML

    Have you been driven crazy by the junk code added to your articles when you, your mate, or your clients are added page content to a Joomla site by copy&pasting from Word? I'm sure the answer is YES. The huge amount of junk you can add this way to your page not only slows down considerably the site, but also can potentially destroy your design. Anyway, you can kiss goodbye the clean, uniform look you (may) wished for your page when started to build it.

  • Duplicate content penalty

    In the world of dynamic sites generally, and, of course among the webmasters runing Joomla sites there is often a lot of worry about duplicate content penalties since so many different URLs can point to the same exact page.

  • Emptying the trash in Joomla 1.7

    As you may experienced already, Joomla 1.7 has simplified much of the Joomla content work-flow, making things easier and faster to do. However, one of the things that has gotten slightly more complicated is finding and emptying the trash.

  • Enable Content History in Joomla 3.2

    For any website administrator, having a content version history is an important asset. For Joomla, until recently, you had to find and install a third party add-on. But not anymore, finally content versioning is part of Joomla since Joomla 3.2.

  • Frontend

    The Frontend is a collective term to name the areas of the website as visitors or registered users see it. A registered user normally works only in the frontend. It is like in a store, where the goods are displayed in shop windows and on shelves. Here you can have a look around.

    So, in nutshell: it's everything an unregistered user (Guest) and all other registered users, withouth administrative user rights (the members of main Registered group and it's subgroups) can see.

  • Global Checkin

    Sometimes, if more people work on the site, you can get locked out of a certain module or article because the site thinks someone else is still editing that item. When opened, each Joomla item is checked out, this way Joomla protects each editable item from being edited by two separate users at the same itme, and this way avoiding potential confusion and other obvious problems.

  • Help! My editor background is coloured!

    Yep, that's something you can experience with any of your new templates, especially the ones with colored/dark background. Why this happening? And more important, how you can fix it?

    The answer to the first question is simple: the 'WYSIWYG' editors used in Joomla are just doing what the name implies: are taking the template's CSS file and rendering the newly entered content to be as close to what will be shown on the site as possible. And if your template's background is colored or an image file is used to fill your background, then that will be used there too. The fix is relatively easy in the case of most current editors. Almost all of them have the possibility to use a special CSS file in the editing pages. Here we will show you the recipe that works for the family of editors based on TinyMCE editor, delivered by default with Joomla (as JCE), but the solution is similar or can be easily adapted for all such advanced editors.

  • How deep linking can give you an edge in the competition for better ranking

    You knows the basics, right? Great content and a good number of incoming links are necessary for gaining the top SERP (Search Engine Ranking Points) for a particular keyword phrase. The good old way to reach this goal was to build an attractive landing page and add to it as many links as possible.

  • How to Create SEF URL's for ChronoForms with sh404SEF (or any other SEF component)

    The sh404SEF component is a terrific tool for creating and maintaining SEF URL's for your Joomla site - and to make it more Google - and user - friendly, with one condition: to have a SEF plugin for your components already delivered to you with the sh404SEF or to find one ready-made on the web.

    Luckily most of popular components are already covered by the component itself, or there are geeks on the net (like me) publishing the needed add-ons. One of notable exceptions is the popular form component, Chronoforms.

  • Joomla 3.x - How to create a multilingual site in 6 steps

  • Mambot

    Mambots where the ancestors of current version Joomla plugins. Mambots were introduced in Mambo and offered possibilities to add plug-in logic to your site mainly for the purpose of manipulating content. As the smallest Joomla extensions, they where smaller or bigger chunks of code executed upon being triggered by specially formatted keywords/signal words inserted in the various places of a Joomla 1.0 site.

  • Modules In Content

    Modules are typically displayed on the left and right sides of the page... in module positions everywhere .Evil It's not uncommon to also find modules on the top or bottom of a page. The display location for a module is controlled by the site administrator through the Joomla administrator panel, and it's limited by the template's internal structure. Generally you can insert modules only in the pre-defined module positions. The module management screen provides several options as possible locations for a published module. But Joomla does not provide an easy way if you want to display these modules in the main content area of the site.

  • Pagination Links Overrides

    Before the Joomla 1.5, pagination override was a nearly impossible task. The control the display of items-per-page and the pagination links used with lists of information has become much easier.

  • Plugin

    A plugin is a kind of Joomla! extension, in fact the smallest building block of a Joomla site. Plugins provide functions which are associated with trigger events. Joomla provides a set of core plugin events, but any extension can fire (custom) events.

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