Developer tools

All kind of software tools you should have to be productive. From local development environments to programming tools, resources, tips and tricks wich can help you build your Joomla siter faster, easier.



How to detect Joomla version withouth having access to admin?

Sometimes you need to find out the exact Joomla version for a website you don't own for a decent reason - like you are a freelancer and need to provide an estimation for a job on the respective site.

Sure, you can ask the owner ;) but that's the easy scenario.

Fortunately there are relatively easy - and legitimate - ways to find it out, unless the owner of the site hasn't blocked the access to this information. In my personal experience (believe me, I have some) this is rarely happening.


Adding spatial navigation and tabindex to your custom forms

Having correctly implemented spatial navigation in your custom forms is more important, than ever these days. Unfortunately Joomla's core JForm does not support adding the required info easily (for example by creating an XML file which will output the correct code.


Redirect users after a successful login

If you use the core login module, redirecting the user to a given page (more precisely, to a menu item) is a breeze. But what if you want to do a trickier thing? For example what if you have a custom component/plugin which has a view with restricted parts, available only for logged in users, and you want the user to remain on the same page after the login (for example from a login box shown in a modal box)?

Tricky, eh? Took me some hours of trial and error, digging around forums and such, but here is the Joomla coding trick which will offer you a simple solution:


Debugging your own code

If your read this, then you might have playing with some code already - and as you know, nobody is perfect... all we make mistakes. But how you can find yours?


Testing the site on multiple mobile devices

These days is not enough to test your brand new site on couple of screen resolution/operating system/browser combinations, you need to test your new sites on a large number of mobile devices, covering a wide variety of operating systems, screen sizes and resolutions, from  the iPhone 320×480 to the Nook Color 600×1024. To make the matter worse, these devices can be held vertically or horizontally. What you can do?


Create your next Joomla site locally with Ampps

Like the majority of web developers I develop my websites and services locally before Ipublish them on the Internet. This makes sense in a variety of ways, from saving a lot of bandwidth to faster updating or improved security.