
This File type is not supported

Have you ever seen this error message? Yea, correct it's seen in Media Manager when you try to upload files of certain types, as a MP3 file to use with your brand new MP# player module, or an Excel sheet to share whit your visitors.

Embarrassing. Let's get rid if it!

The problem occurs when you try to upload an unsupported filetype via Media manager.

Before we get into hacking core files, it's advised to use some of available workarounds, and there are plenty of them.

First the non-Joomla ones: the plain old FTP and the hosting account's default file manager - all decent hosting accounts have some of them. You can use them to upload the files in correct location, just be aware of potential access rights problems

And there are some Joomla workarounds too, as use of JCE Editor with the appropriate plugins or use of JoomleXplorer/NinjaeXplorer file manager to do the task.

But if you're in need to do it via Media Manager, here's the info you need:

A. On Joomla 1.0.*

Open in your favorite editor(preferably one with line numbers displayed) the file / administrator/components/com_media/admin.media.php (of course, make a backup first!)

Here, the code around the lines 177-194 it should look like this:


To add additional file types, just add a comma after the last entry and in quotes put the extension. Here's the code for mp3 support:


Save the file and have fun!

A. On Joomla 1.5.*

The solution is much simpler. Go to Global configuration>System tab, look for the Media Settings, first item: Legal Extensions (File Types), and add your extension to the end of already lengthly list:





Save the Global Settings, and upload your mp3's.

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