
  • Infinite loop detected in JError

    Today I have faced a strange, never seen before error. I have worked on recovering a server with couple of old Joomla sites after a major crash, when one of sites ceased to "fly" again, and showed up nothing else but a white screen with this text:

    Infinite loop detected in JError

  • JFolder::create: Could not create directory

    The full error looks like this:

    JFolder::create: Could not create directory
    Warning! Failed to move file.

    You might see this nagging error every once you install something to your Joomla site. Apparently everything working, but - as any errors you see - should alert you: something isn't right with your site, and even if apparently everything works, you might have unexpected problems later!


    Did you ever get this error on a Joomla 1.7 or 2.5 site? If yes, you probably searched the net and was dazzled by the amount of hits. Today I got this:

    About 33,900 results (0.28 seconds)

    Suddenly you get the JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_LOADING all over the place - frontend and backend alike? And you searched the web and get all sorts of confusing tips?

    Look no further - at least until you did not tried this simple trick! (Especially if you just relocated your site recently - or your hosting company did it for you). If you have plenty of space, check the following tip too.

  • Joomla 1.0 and PHP 5.3

    I was totally forgot about this problem - until this morning, when I found in my mailbox a request to save someone's old Joomla 1.0 based site from disaster. I was thinking, that until now all servers where upgraded to PHP 5.3 and all Joomla 1.0 sites upgraded - or at least patched to work with the new PHP.

  • Joomla and Windows file permissions

    As I said elsewhere on the site one of key issues of running Joomla on a Windows server is to understand and apply correctly the Windows files and folders permissioning system to your Joomla install. Instead of writing my own compilation of how-tos, I reproduce here the excellent tutorial written by Russell Winter on the Joomla tutorials site. All kudos are going to him!

    For those of you that are either developing or delivering your Joomla! Web-Sites from the Windows environment, it is sometimes difficult to obtain relevant information regarding permissions. Unfortunately, it is a fact that most Web-Serving is offered under Unix and that Unix is pretty well documented within this environment. Hopefully the following information will go some way to clearing up any confusion and provide a little guidance.

  • Keep your Joomla core up to date!

    You may think that updating your Joomla site to the latest version is not something worth doing every time a new version is released. The site works just fine, and you are not interested in the eventual new additions. You're wrong! There's always a major reason for update to the latest version of Joomla: Security!

  • Leverage browser caching

    One of the most easy ways to make your Joomla website faster is to leverage Joomla browser caching. This is one of the high priority tasks recommended by Google to make your website load faster.

  • Lost admin password - reloaded

    Did you manage to lost your password? Worst, maybe you lost the Super Administrator password? And for some reason you can't use the retrieve lost password functionality of Joomla...  If you use Joomla, if you forget your password you could just simply click on the "Forgot password" menu, and the new password will be sent to your email address. But what if you can't remember the exact e-mail address, or you have a local, development version and did not have the mailer handy... or your Internet connection is down? Or, worse - happened to me couple of times - you need to overtake a site originally developed by someone else?

  • MAX_JOIN_SIZE problems

    Recently in more (usually cheap) hosts more of my clients reported a strange error, wich showed up recently, withouth notice.

    The error message is like this:

    1104 The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay

    followed by the failing query.

  • Move your config file outside of webroot
    This is a core hack. Files you change as described on this page will be overwritten during updates of Joomla!

    This tip explains how to move your configuration.php file outside of your webroot as well as making it unwritable by the server. That makes it nearly impossible for someone to corrupt or gain access to the information in the file.

  • Never-ending database installation

    If you’ve been trying to install a quickstart package received after a template purchase, and the installation freezes at the database creation/restoration step you might have to make few changes in the server/PHP environment in order to fix the issue.

  • No Input File Specified error on GoDaddy

    GoDaddy is notoriously buggy when comes to Joomla hosting. But when you turn on SEF, you might have another nasty surprise, instead of your site's pages you might see this:

    No Input File Specified
  • Other usual hacker tactics

    There are numerous other tactics that can be used to break into a computer system, and these usually involve discovering weaknesses or loopholes in the server software's defenses. When a programmer writes software that runs on a web server, he tries to make sure that the software cannot be abused - but it can be very difficult to foresee every eventuality; vandals and hackers are always pushing software to the limit and trying out operations which the software was not designed to handle, in an attempt to discover a way in.

  • PHP Warning: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings....

    With recent upgrade of a great number of servers to PHP 5.3.8 may clients reported that their site began to show error messages like

    Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings


    Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings
  • Problems geting SEF URL's work on 1&1-s servers

    Your Joomla site is hosted on 1&1? Great!... Or not so great? Yea, I know the feeling, I had that experience too. All worked just fine (almost) until I decided to kick in the SEF engine, and use the .htaccess redirect, as I suggested elsewhere. And the disaster stroked...

  • Quickstart installation problems

    If you purchased a commercial Joomla template it is very likely that in the package you got you have a special installation package, called Quickstart which let you have the carbon copy of the template demo site in just couple of clicks. It is a gread bonus, helpful especially for beginners. but once in a while you might have problems by installing this package, especially if you try to install it on your local machine.

  • Server Settings

    Joomla specifies certain settings that are recommended for proper functioning of the system. A list of the recommended and actual settings is displayed when you install Joomla. One of the recommended settings is to have 'Display Errors' switched on. This is very useful when developing and debugging a site, but there is a security vulnerability in PHP (not Joomla, but the language in which Joomla was written) which may allow cross-site-scripting attacks when the display errors option is enabled, if you have a script which produces an error.

  • Setting up an automatic Smart Search indexing

    In another article I've praised the Smart Search core extension and recommended you to use it. But there is a problem with this extension - you need to re-index your site after you add new things manually to get the most out of it. Although the Smart Search index is automatically kept up-to-date whenever content items are amended, there are some circumstances where you need to re-run the indexer. You can do this manually using the Index toolbar button in the Manage Indexed Content screen. Or there is another way to do it?

  • Special considerations to make your Joomla site secure

    Joomla, as most CMS's excells by making it easy to manage a website page. Offers a pretty easy way to manage Web-based publishing, format management, history editing and version control, indexing, search, and retrieval. Joomla has an impressive suite of features, but these features require some special considerations.

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