
  • Save Failed with the Following Error: Invalid Parent ID

    When I have seen first time this error on Joomla 1.6 while tried to save a new article in Article Manager I was lost:

    Save Failed with the Following Error: Invalid Parent ID
  • SEO DOs And DONT’s, According To Google

    Changes to Google’s algorithm have the ability to make or break businesses. Google is sending out the signal that you should worry less about the current SEO trends, and more about producing great content, and that they’re “leveling the playing field” for sites that don’t pay as much attention to SEO. Obviously great content is a positive, but at the same time, Google is showing us each month all of the changes it is making, and all the while, providing tips about how to do certain SEO things better.

  • Slash Tools for Joomla 4

  • Submitting content from frontend

    Indeed, what's needed for a user to submit a new content item from the frontend, and how he/she should proceed?

    First of all the user must have the privileges corresponding to the authorization level of "author" or above.

  • Template

    Many people think of a template as their website, but that is an incorrect way of seeing templates. Templates are used for providing a layout and design within which all of the pieces of your Joomla site come together.

  • The most common Joomla SEO mistakes

    Mastering the Web is a never ending learning process. You can learn from both good and bad examples. Unfortunately most of us are learning from their own mistakes. A well known situation is that you got a brand new Joomla site, latest tricks, stunning design, appealing content, but you miss a key ingredient of the success: the Visitor. And you've wondering, why they aren't coming, despite your SEO efforts as sending out marketing e-mails to your closest 10.000 "friends" and spending nice money in buying incoming links and lots of postings on every imaginable social marketing site, blog and forum. It's not obvious, but the problem may be in what you did, and not in what you missed. Anyway, here's a mix of things usually Joomla webmasters are doing wrong. Learn from, and try to avoid these most common mistakes!

  • TinyMCE editor background color fix

    In an earlier tip (Help! My editor background is colored!) showed the most foolproof way to fix the common problem, when the template CSS settings are causing the WYSIWYG editors to have colored background, making edits hard to perform. Apparently there are couple of situations when the tip does not help - and there are many of you using still the default TinyMCE editor (and not switched already to the best Joomla content editor - JCE).

  • Unresponsive WYSIWYG editor

    The WYSIWYG editors are great additions to the Joomla, and we have lots of them around. They make a webmaster from casual user and can speed up the work of pros. But, sometimes, you find that you cannot enter text into the HTML editor, or click on the HTML editor's toolbar buttons - you are locked out of editing your content!

    What can be more annoying as being unable to edit your own site?

  • Virtual spring cleaning for your Joomla sites

    Websites take maintenance, and making a habit of performing a little spring cleaning each year can keep a business website running smoothly. The tips below does not apply for Joomla sites alone, any site can benefit from most of these tricks and tips.

  • Weird charactes in the page

    Just happens, that after you publish new content, this shows up on your Joomla 1.0 page with weird characters. (The problem was solved for Joomla 1.5+.) The causes, and the cures for it may be many, but sometimes a simple hack can solve your problems.

  • What you should NOT do for a good SEO?

    Everybody tells you to do this and do that for SEO, and SEO companies can be very aggressive on their offerings - and misleading on free advices... But nobody really telling you what you should avoid when you want to increase your site's chances to be rank high on major search engines. And more important, nobody is telling you, that search-engine robots are getting smarter with every new release, they are harder to be fooled, and better mimicking/anticipating the real Internet user's behaviors/preferences. Having these in mind, let's enumerate a few bad ideas, known traps weekend webmasters often falling into:

  • Who is the real author?

    The Joomla has a nifty, often used feature, along other information can show the content item's/articles author name just below the title. It's useful especially when the site is maintained by a number of editors and/or contributors. But sometimes - especially when the site is just launched - all authors are the same.

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