
Virtuemart Shopper Group discount problem

The VirtueMart forums are full of complaints like:

When a shopper from my wholesale group (50% off) opens the product page it shows the parent products discounted price as the price of each child. Any help would be appreciated.

So, here's the much awaited fix!

Make backups. This is a core hack, and comes with absolute no guarantee!! Use it at own risk!

Open /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_product.php.

Locate function get_price (around line 1586, depending on version)

Locate in the function the comment:

// If this is a child product and it has not a price for the requested shopper group, 
get the price for the default shopper group

In the line below:


Replace $product_parent_id with $product_id to get this line at the end:


Works for me!