
You cannot access the private section of this site

You just upgraded your Joomla site to latest Joomla 2.5 or 3.* and your regular, registered users cannot login to the frontend, seeing this error:

"You cannot access the private section of this site"

The causes are multiple, and there are many fixes out on the net. But the most common cause of this is the damaged "#_assets" table.

You can read more about how to fix it here.

But if you are in a hurry, and want a quick and dirty solution, try this:

  • Open your database with your favorite tool (phpMyAdmin is ready to use in most hosting accounts)
  • Locate the #_assets table (# is the replacement of your prefix)
  • Check if the Root asset has the "parent_id" is set to 0, "level" is set to 0 and the "lft" set to 1 (or 0). also check to not have any other entries set to "level=0"
  • If you are these fields set to any other values, try to reset them to 0 and 1 respectively.
  • If that does not fix it, try to set the "lft"value to 0 - is highly non-standard, but fixes in most cases the issues.

If thaat does not fixes it, you have still all the time on the Earth to read that great Joomla article! (Highly recommended).

Ah, almost forgot. Do a backup first. And be sure, that the backup works. And don't forget, that this is qualifying as a core hack. Don't do it withouth the safety belt on!



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