Joomla Troubleshooter

Yesterday your Joomla site worked just fine. Today is misbehaving. And you're clueless... Right? Hey, you're not the first one having this experience. You're on the good site where you might find the cure for your problem!


How to turn your error reporting level to maximum?

Anyone who maintained/developed something with or for Joomla, or needed to troubleshoot something on a misbehaving Joomla site knows the feeling: something does not working, and the available error messages aren't showing enough information to help you track down the root of the issue.

Any extra bit of info can help, so here is a tip for Joomla 1.7 which might help you got that.


Save Failed with the Following Error: Invalid Parent ID

When I have seen first time this error on Joomla 1.6 while tried to save a new article in Article Manager I was lost:

Save Failed with the Following Error: Invalid Parent ID

JFolder::create: Could not create directory

The full error looks like this:

JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Warning! Failed to move file.

You might see this nagging error every once you install something to your Joomla site. Apparently everything working, but - as any errors you see - should alert you: something isn't right with your site, and even if apparently everything works, you might have unexpected problems later!


Help! I'm Locked Out Of My Site!

Beginning with Joomla 1.6 it's possible to lock anyone out of the back end of the website — including Super Users with Admin permissions — by setting the Site Admin permission to Deny. And this is something you can do accidentally against yourself by playing with the permissions without knowing how exactly these settings are working. That can have unpleasant side effects especially at the Super User group or at the Manager or Administrator group level. If Manager or Administrator is set to Deny, the Super User would inherit Deny from these groups, even if the Super User group is set to Allow.


Just turned SEF on and inner page images where gone

Did you had this experience? Couple of days ago I just turned on SEF and the inner pages began to act weird - images disappeared, modules misbehaved, scripts weren't loaded...

My first reaction was that I have set something wrong... or the SEF component I used have a flaw. After few days of digging I found that the issue has a much simpler cause.


Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in...

Do you have some old Joomla site (pre Joomla 1.5.6)? then is very likely you will got - or already have - a site running only halfway, full of errors saying

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in somecomponent...


Warning: Parameter 3 to showItem() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/someaccount/www/www/joomla/includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php on line 100


Yeah, you might allready guessed it, the PHP 4.* end of life-cycle is wreaking havoc in Joomla 1.0 sites and some early Joomla 1.5 implementations - or even newer sites, having badly coded third party extensions installed.


What to do when you got hacked? Here you can find some advices, tricks and tips on what you can do!

Problems related with upgrading Joomla or components/plugins/modules. What to do and what mistakes to avoid.

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