Configuration tricks

Basic tricks to make Joomla work for you. Things you can solve using various configuration areas of your Joomla, your hosting environment or your components.


How to remove 'Welcome to the Frontpage'

I did not realised until recently how hard may be even for some seasoned Joomla webmasters to get rid of that 'Welcome to the Frontpage' text from their Joomla site. But talking with couple of customers and being even hired for do this Tongue outmade me curious, and I Googled for 'Welcome to the Frontpage'...

The result may be surprise you... my last attempt ended on 25.000.000 (no kidding...) hits.

So, there is the free-for-all recipe:


How to configure Joomla to open by more than one domain?

Did you followed the advices of SEO gurus, and now you have a bunch of domain names, like and, and, and you want to use all of them to display your sole, well built Joomla site, but dunno how? Here's the trick you need!


My MySQL database does not support UTF-8! Do I have a problem?

If you search for the title of this tip you will found lot of hits. Actually, my last search returned 6.6 millions of hits! Apparently lot of people are having with - or has fears on this subject. When I first published this tip, back in 2005, there was no such amount of answers/references, and I think, that this real flood of sites about this potential issue is not because lot of people would having problems, but because more and more people are getting into building interactive sites.

So, do You have problems?