• Multilanguage Joomla and UTF-8

    Joomla supports out of the box the UTF-8 character encoding, so someone building a multilingual website should not have any problems using UTF-8 character encoding in his site. Right?

    Yes and no, the CORE Joomla is problem free as I write this, but some non-core add-ons, templates - and yes, your own, home-cooked code can produce garbled output. Let's see why, and how we can fix it!

  • My MySQL database does not support UTF-8! Do I have a problem?

    If you search for the title of this tip you will found lot of hits. Actually, my last search returned 6.6 millions of hits! Apparently lot of people are having with - or has fears on this subject. When I first published this tip, back in 2005, there was no such amount of answers/references, and I think, that this real flood of sites about this potential issue is not because lot of people would having problems, but because more and more people are getting into building interactive sites.

    So, do You have problems?

  • Server Forbidden 500 error when saving in Joomla Admin backend

    I had been driven crazy recently by couple of my sites suddenly beginning to exhibit a very annoying behavior. Sites, which worked flawlessly over past months/years began to die when I tried to save something, from new or edited articles, modules, menu items, contacts.

    Of course the first thing I done was to look to the error logs, then to enable debug and set the error reporting level to maximum. Nothing helpful.

  • Weird charactes in the page

    Just happens, that after you publish new content, this shows up on your Joomla 1.0 page with weird characters. (The problem was solved for Joomla 1.5+.) The causes, and the cures for it may be many, but sometimes a simple hack can solve your problems.